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Checklist for Stories


  1. Pre-write: Brainstorm and plan the story
  2. Obtain Editorial Approval
  3. Develop ideas and identify angles, actors, issues, and importance
  4. Write Down questions you need to have answered
  5. Identify contacts and make appointments for interviews
  6. Research: read, interview, observe, etc.(Including documentation and notes, especially for quotes)
  7. Plan the story: write an outline and then write the story
  8. Reread the story: have a friend or colleague read, as well.
  9. Revise the story: take a fresh look at your product. Is it best it can be ?
  10. Re-write the story: make drastic changes now (this is the hardest part)
  11. Type up the story
  12. Print and proofread: include style and format in proofreading. Have a friend or colleague proofread as well
  13. Make corrections and get ready to report it. !!!




LEAD: is it short, to the point, and include the relevant information about the story?


IS THERE A NUT GRAPH: have I written a specific paragraph in the story that explains the basic theme of the story, summarizing all the relevant issues ?


SOURCES: is the information from verified sources? Did I put all the facts “into someone’s mouth?”


ACCURACY: have the facts been checked? Did I check the number I used, and spelling of names and

unfamiliar titles or words ? Are the quotes accurate?


COMPLETENESS: have I answered all the questions that a reader may have about this subject, or the people about whom I have written?


CLARITY: have I explained complex issues? Is there any confusion about timelines or definitions that have been eliminated?