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Description of Role
- The Model Legislature Newspaper is designed to provide the participants with a laboratory experience in journalism skills; reporting, editing, distribution.
- The paper is based upon the news surrounding the weekend.
- The paper gives the participants a chance to voice opinions on bills and concerns about the actions of the Model Legislature.
- All content for the newspaper must be approved by the Editor and the Adult Advisor to the paper.
- The Newspaper is a great opportunity for those who enjoy writing and have some experience with school and local papers to make this weekend paper as professional as possible.
- Be assigned to cover specific stories by the editors
- Share responsibilities of being on production staff in typing, copying and putting paper together.
- Develop your own ideas for stories and articles.
- Be prepared for Friday evening Press Conference with Governor at 7:00pm in Governor's Office
- Be prepared for Saturday meetings ith the candidates for Governor
- Use individual talents to make the paper a success and a vehicle for all participants to hear about other aspects of the program.
- Coping and assembling each edition of the Newspaper
- Publish at least two editions (Saturday PM), (Sunday AM)
- Manage Twitter and Facebook information for the weekend
- Develop a video for the program to be shown on Saturday night.
Attend the Leadership Session:
Scripts or additional Information:
Check other sections for newspaper about ideas for correspondents