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Distribution of offices at Caucuses

You can run for 2 offices at each caucus session, Youth Governor doesn’t count at one.


You must be present to run, unless there is a special situation.


Caucus A 

October 17th


Caucus B 

October 21st

2 Candidates for Youth Governor


2 Candidates for Youth Governor

President of the Senate **


Speaker of the House**

President Pro Temp


Speaker Pro Temp

Secretary of the Senate **


Clerk of the House **

Ass’t Secretary of the Senate


Journal Clerk of the House 

Sgts at Arms of the Senate


Sgt at Arms of the House

House Chair Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry


House Chair Health and Human Services

House Chair Appropriations and Financial Affairs


House Chair Innovation, Development and Economic Advancement

House Chair Criminal Justice and Public Safety


House Chair State and Local Government

House Chair Education and Cultural Services


House Chair Transportation and Technology

Clerk of the Supreme Court


2 Supreme Court Advocates
